Do you remember how ten or twenty years ago, if you were in a certain industry such as health care, the lines were cut and dry - you were health care professional. Well, those lines are so rigid anymore. The lines between technology and science have really begun to blur with more technical people learning sciences and more health care professionals learning about technology. Some examples of that would include forensic science, case management, geriatric care management, genetics, artificial intelligence technician, aqua cultures, bionic electron technologist, computational linguist, cryonics technician and dialysis technologist to name a few.
Technology has been rampant in health care from medical records to surgery. Think about the last time you visited the doctor. Was the medical secretary sitting in front of a computer? 99.9% of the time the answer would be yes! Most medical records are computerized now and you need to have those technical skills along with the medical knowledge.
Health care has also been rampant in technology. There isn't much that happens in the health care world without the benefit of technology. Technology is responsible for the creation of those medical record forms as well as everything else from taking your blood pressure to doing complicated surgeries.
The lines between technical and health care professionals have truly blurred. As a health care analyst, you will not only need to have the technical background but you will also need to have knowledge of science and health to perform your job. At a minimum, you will need to know the jargon and be knowledgeable of health care policy as well as public health and medical services. As a health care professional, you not only need to know anatomy & physiology as well as all of the aspects of health care, you will also need to be technical to work in many positions.
So, if you are a job seeker in either of these fields and you are seeking a position that is clearly tech/health, make sure you really read the job description! There is nothing worse than going in for an interview when you truly are not qualified for the job! If you are in one of these fields and seeking a position, you might want to consider.
Health Care Job Site to find new health care jobs
Tech to find a new IT jobs. Even though the sites are listed separately, you will quickly see, when you read some of the job descriptions, just how much these two industries have really merged. Good luck!